With a Heart Full of Gratitude

“I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that has been given you in Christ Jesus” 1 Corinthians 1:4 

I know that Thanksgiving is over. Even the turkey leftovers are probably all gone. Hopefully, there aren’t any more surprises lurking in the back corners of your fridge… But, even as I prepare my heart this Advent season for Jesus to be born, to come and live among us, I continue to dwell in the spirit of Thanksgiving. My heart is so full of gratitude these days that I am overwhelmed by it. And maybe gratitude is just the place to start – not by emptying our hearts to prepare for Jesus, but by filling our hearts with thanks and praise as the manger in which the Christ child can dwell. 

German theologian and philosopher Meister Eckhart is quoted as saying “If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ’thank you,’ that would suffice.”

Thank you.

It is such a small phrase. And yet, it reflects and contains so much.

Thank you.

For your generosity with your donations and volunteer hours and skills to support ministries that serve and care for the vulnerable in our community: the Garden of Grace, the Adel Good Samaritan Food Pantry, the hat and mitten drive, the Giving Tree for the Crisis Intervention and Advocacy Center, and more; AND national and global ministries like ELCA World Hunger and ELCA Good Gifts.

For sharing your time and your giftedness. So many of you participate and serve every week in so many ways. Some that are visible and some that are more behind-the-scenes. For all the baking, cooking, preparing, teaching, organizing, decorating, mowing, and caring for our property.

For sharing in ministry together through leadership, organizing, imagining, discerning, and listening. For your prayers and support and care for each other and the community. For being there for those in need with cards and calls and meals and visits.

For showing up, in this place, to hear the word of God and to share in the Lord’s Supper, even when life is busy and especially when it’s hard. To be the body of Christ together, joining our hands and voices together in peace and song, and opening our hearts to worship and prayer, lament and praise. For being open to the Holy Spirit’s transformation in our lives, even when that same Spirit provokes and disrupts. And when the Spirit brings comfort and calm.

For welcoming all people, especially newcomers and children, with warmth and hospitality, smiles and greetings.

For your faithful giving to financially support the ministry and mission of Grace, in operations and the building fund, as well as special offerings.

To each and every one of you, thank you for sharing yourselves with this beloved community of Grace.

For each and every one of you, I give thanks to God!!

With so much in the world and in our lives every day that can be challenging, overwhelming, and so busy (especially during this Advent and Christmas season), my prayer for all of you, beloved ones, is thank you. Thanks be to God for you and for our shared ministry together. And I pray that you find moments of gratitude in your lives, moments to slow down, breathe deep, and feel God’s presence with you. That you may receive and know the hope, peace, joy, and love we have in Jesus.

With joy and thanksgiving, 

Pastor Tania

Image credit: Jamie Loggins-Evans, Blissful Craft Shop


“Come and See”


Reformation, transformation, and being made free